Informed approach data - gathering of people

A new, data-informed approach for unlocking a groundswell of climate leadership.

We use data science to find under-the-radar politicians with outsized climate impact. We have worked with over 500 campaigns since 2020, and our candidates control over 813 million metric tons of CO₂ emissions per year. In 2023, Climate Cabinet won about 75% of its top priority races, ranging from municipal, county, and state offices.

Impact at Scale - American Flag with people in front

What is Moneyball?

At Climate Cabinet, we call ourselves "Moneyball for Climate." In major league baseball, analysts pour over large amounts of data—batting average, earned runs, speed, etc.—searching for undervalued players with game-winning potential. This practice, known as "moneyball," allows teams to discover under-the-radar stars and help them reach their full potential, with game-changing outcomes. At Climate Cabinet, we’ve applied that same "moneyball" approach to finding local policymakers—we use the numbers to find under-the-radar climate champions and get them the support they need to win.

Moneyball explanation - election day tickets

Impact at scale

Since 2018, Climate Cabinet has grown from a volunteer-based team into a powerful organization shaking up U.S. climate politics—we use data science to identify critical, under-the-radar climate elections at the state and local levels, and then leverage our team’s background in clean energy project development, political campaigns, and policy to deliver resources to the pro-climate candidates running in them. In this work, Climate Cabinet is building sustained power for tackling climate change and creating an equitable clean energy future.

We focus on climate solutions as they interact with other critical issues

  • ChartLineUp.svg

    Jobs & Economic Growth

    Investing in a clean energy economy will create jobs and help our communities thrive.

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    Public Health

    Cleaning up our air means protecting our health—a fact which is more apparent than ever as we grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Racial Justice

    Communities of color are disproportionately burdened with the toxic facilities that power our society. We are working towards a clean, healthy future for everyone.


Win Rate


Candidates supported

813+ MMT

CO2e/year overseen by CC leaders

The Climate Cabinet Team

Local hires with local intel. Our team is located across the country.

Caroline Spears

executive director

Emma Fisher

chief operating officer

Dave Weiskopf

senior policy director

Frances Sawyer


Junior Ezeonu

political manager

Caleb Braun

lead data engineer

Katie Barrett

development director

Matt Herrero

product manager

Emmanuel Alcantar

communications manager

Nick Arnold

legislative program manager

Jordan Haedtler

climate finance strategist

Marta Johnson

michigan legislative lead

Saleem Chapman

pennsylvania legislative lead

Grace Rainaldi

data engineer

Abby Vela

development manager

Joshua Wolfsun

communications specialist

Amelia Dornbush

communications specialist

Micheál Podgers

Midwest Policy Lead

Adelaide Zwick

Illinois State Lead

Denisce Palacios

Texas State Lead

Help us win.

Donate to all priority races